Ash Wednesday, Confirmation, Easter Vigil, Engaged Couples Day, Father Cesta Way, Father Jim\'s 50th, Festival, Festival Prep, First Communion, First Reconciliation, Good Friday, Holy Thursday, Lenten Luncheon, May Crowning, Palm Sunday, St. Joseph\'s Table, Festival Procession, golf tournament, Faith Formation, Communion Brunch, All Saints, All Souls Concert, St. Anne's Luncheon, Craft Fair, Thanksgiving.
Ash Wednesday, Laetare Sunday, Italian Spelling Bee, Lenten Luncheon, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Confirmation Retreat, First Communion, May Crowning, Confirmation, Bistro, Festival Prep, Parish Festival, Festival Procession, golf tournament, Communion Brunch, Craft Fair, Italian Christmas Gathering, Lessons and Carols.
Feast of the Epiphany, Ash Wednesday, Jazz Vespers, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, May Crowning, Father Rose's talk on aging, First Communion, Confirmation, Novena Finale, festival preparations, Italian Festival, Feast of Santa Rosalia, Golf Tournament. "The Music Lives On" concert, Communion Brunch, All Saints Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Gala, Jazz Nativity and Christmas.
Blessing of the throats. First Reconciliation, First Communion Enrollment, Ash Wednesday, First Communion Workshop, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Confirmation, First Communion, May Crowning, Parish Festival, Festival Procession, Men in Black softball, golf tournament, Faith Formation, Communion Brunch, All Saints, Jazz Nativity, Breakfast with Santa, Immaculata Award, Christmas Gala, Christmas.
Faith Formation, Engaged Couples Day, Ash Wednesday, St. Joseph's Table, First Communion Workshop, Seder Supper, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, Burmese Mass, Parish Festival, Festival Procession, Golf Tournament, Volunteer Barbecue, Communion Breakfast, Confirmation, Christmas.
Phil Cornacchia's 100th birthday, Ash Wednesday, Lenten Luncheon, Holy Week, May Crowning, First Communion, Bistro Night, Notre Dame Vision, Italian Festival, Festival Procession, golf tournament, Fun Night at Vernon Downs, Autumn Tea, Confirmation, Communion Brunch, All Saints Day, Fall Bake Sale, Polar Express Day of Fun, Advent-Christmas Concert, Jazz Nativity, Breakfast with Santa, Christmas Gala and Christmas.
First Communion Enrollment Mass, Ash Wednesday, First Communion preparation class, Holy Week, May Crowning, altar servers party, Yankee Stadium bus trip, parish festival, procession in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Parish Golf Tournament, volunteer barbecue, Confirmation, All Saints Day, Advent / Christmas Concert, Christmas altar, Breakfast with Santa and Christmas Gala.
Father Jim Dances the Night Away, Living Stations of the Cross, Seder Supper, Holy Week, May Crowning, Father Jim\'s 40th anniversary of ordination, Feast of Corpus Christi, novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, parish festival, festival procession, second annual parish golf tournament, a night at Vernon Downs, Faith Formation Halloween Party, holiday bake sale, First Reconciliation, Breakfast with Santa, and the Christmas Gala.
Images from the elementary school Faith Formation program, First Reconciliation, the Junior HIgh School Faith Formation program, the annual Mardi Gras celebration, the Social Committee pizza fritta and bake sale, the \"How Green Can You Be\" dance for the Junior-Senior High School program, Holy Week services, First Communion, the May Crowning, Pentecost Sunday, the Rev. Scott Vanderveer\'s Father\'s Day Mass, the annual Italian Festival, the festival procession in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Vision 2013 at the University of Notre Dame, the first parish Golf Tournament, the Volunteer Recognition Dinner, Vision 2013, Confirmation, Faith Formation Pizza Fritta Sale, members of the St. Anne\'s Society bake pepper cookies, Breakfast with Santa, the annual Christmas Gala and Christmas 2013