Last Updated on September 3, 2024 by Editor
St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish
A community of faith since 1896
Pastor: The Rev. Jim Cesta
In Residence: The Rev. Luis Olguin
Address: 648 Jay St., Utica, NY 13501.
Telephone: 315-735-1482; fax: 315-735-9806.
Office hours: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Closed on Friday and national holidays.
Faith Formation and Scalabrini Center: 315-724-3950.
Hearing impaired: Listening devices available in the sacristy.
Mission statement
The mission of St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish is to create a welcoming diverse, Eucharistic community, which proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ through loving service to all.
Trustees: Rocco Arcuri and Tony Leone
Parish Council: Anthony Laria (president), Joe Furgal, David Struz and Carol Trinco
Parish Office Manager: Terri Piazza-Panuccio
Faith Formation K-6: Terri Piazza-Panuccio
Faith Formation 7-10: Anne Carlone-Elacqua
Music Director: Peter Elacqua
Website, bulletin and parish magazine editor: Fran Perritano (
Buildings and grounds: Lenny Jones
Please call the parish office to arrange a baptism. New parents are encouraged to attend the parent class before the birth of your child.
Couples must make arrangements six months in advance.
Adults or children 7 and older who never have been baptized, confirmed or received the Eucharist are invited to call the parish office for information about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program.
New parishioners
We invite you to become an active participant in our parish community. Please register by calling the parish office or by clicking here to download a registration form.