Social Ministry, outreach important parts of parish life

St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament is renowned around the region and diocese — and beyond — for its wonderful and meaningful liturgies, beautiful music, an energetic congregation and faith-filled parishioners. Beyond its religious foundation, however, there is another important aspect — the parish’s social community.


Once angry with God, Vicki’s trust in Lord undeniable

In full disclosure for those who don’t know, Vicki Perritano is the mother of the editor of this magazine, who interviewed her for this article. This is the 53rd edition of “More Good News,” and we felt after 13 years of publication it was time to feature one of the matriarchs of the parish. Vicki is 95 years old, still attends Mass and volunteered over the years in many parish ministries.


Party time at Carnevale; celebration coming to parish

In Catholic tradition, Lent (Quaresima in Italian) is a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. So, before the Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5, Christians around the world will take time to party in diverse ways.


‘Being Church’ is more than going to church

By FATHER JIM CESTA The social dimension of being a Catholic companion of the Lord Jesus starts with remembering that only three of the Ten Commandments deal with our relationship with God — the other seven have us consider our social relationship with other people. Sometimes, good and devout Catholic folks really fall into believing […]


Behind the collar: Father Jim discusses his life, influences, priesthood

Father Jim Cesta celebrated his 50th anniversary of his priesthood earlier this year. He has spent the last 15 years as pastor of our parish. Most parishioners only know Father Jim as the priest who celebrates Sunday Mass, has a sense of humor and preaches great homilies. So, we decided to learn more about the man behind the collar. We sat down last month in the sunroom of the rectory to learn more.


Joe Siniscarco keeps — and lives — his Catholic faith

Last Updated on November 8, 2024 by Editor Over the years, Joe has volunteered in the Confirmation program, worked with engaged couples and conducted wedding rehearsals, was president of the Social Committee and continues to be active member of this group, and currently is an altar server for funerals and Sunday Mass, lector and a […]


Coro Italiano rises to a new crescendo

Over the last two years, the parishioners of St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish have been reacquainting themselves with an organization that was born on its campus some 40 years ago.


Our individual interests wrapped in our faith

This issue of “More Good News,” our parish quarterly newsletter, takes some space to offer an insight into some of the things that make me — Father Jim — as much a unique person as you, or any one of us. Each person enjoys and clings to hobbies, talents, interests and activities that make us […]