Last Updated on December 26, 2021 by Editor
The children in our Faith Fomation program celebrated All Saints Day at the 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, Oct. 30, by dressing up as some of the most popular saints, including three saints associated with Central New York: St. Marianne Cope, St. Kateri Tekakwitha and St. John Baptist Scalabrini.
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Our parish community, friends, family and visitors celebrated the Birth of Christ at Masses at 4:30 p.m. and midnight on Christmas Eve, and 8 and 10:30 a.m. Christmas Day. At the 4:30 Family Mass, the packed church listened to the story of the Nativity read by "Mary" to the children. Here are photos from that service.
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The annual “Italian Christmas Gathering” took place Saturday, Dec. 10, at the Delta by Marriott Utica. The more than 150 people who attended were treated to a fine dinner and drinks, with entertainment provided by Anthony LaBarbera. The gala was sponsored by the parish Social Committee, the Italian Heritage Club and St. Rosalia Society. Here are some of the people who attended dressed in their holiday finest.
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About 160 people attended the Communion Brunch on Sunday, Oct. 23, at Monarch Banquets in Yorkville. Guest speaker was noted local historian Frank Tomaino, who spoke about the history of our parish through the influences of two Johns: St. John Baptist Scalabrini and local philanthropist John Devereux.
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Fifty-five young adults received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation Thursday, May 19, at Historic Old St. John’s Church in Utica. The teenagers were from five parishes in the city: St. John’s, St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament, St. Anthony-St. Agnes, St. Joseph & St. Patrick and St. Mark’s. Bishop Emeritus Robert Cunningham presided over the ceremony.
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Our parish celebrated the Resurrection of Our Lord during the Easter Vigil on the evening of April 16. The service included the lighting of the Paschal Candle; readings from the Old Testament, including a musical version of the Exodus; the welcoming of two new parishioners into the Catholic Church and our community; and the distribution of Holy Communion. All that was enhanced by the beautiful and moving music led by Peter Elacqua.
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Members of the Santa Rosalia Society, parishioners and friends celebrated the Feast of Santa Rosalia on Saturday, Aug. 27. The 4:30 p.m. Mass attracted many, and special music was sung in honor of Rosalia. A procession following Mass with the statue and Red Band traveled from the church to the renovated chapel at the corner of Jay and Mohawk streets. Following the march there was food, pizza fritta, beverages, socializing and meeting and making friends. Traditional and popular songs were performed by Coro Italiano, and Italian songs, marches and overtures by the Red Band. Festivities concluded with fireworks. Here are some images from the celebration:
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The Rev. John Rose presented a program titled “Spiritual Wisdom in Our Aging Years” on Wednesday, May 11, in the Salerno Room. More than 40 people attended. Father Rose served as our pastor from 2003-2009. He is a 1964 graduate of New Hartford High School and is celebrating his 50th year as a priest. He is retired and is enjoying his wisdom years.
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The ninth Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish Golf Tournament teed off Sunday, Aug. 28, 2021, at Stonebridge Golf and Country Club. More than 110 golfers participated. In addition to 18 holes of golf, they were treated to food and drink on the course, a steak dinner with all the trimmings, gift bags, chances to win prizes and much more. Photo of the dinner courtesy of Terri Panuccio.
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Our church nearly was filled with worshipers on Holy Thursday, April 14, as we celebrated the Last Supper of the Lord. There was the traditional Washing of the Feet with 12 parishioners participating, the offering of Mass and Holy Eucharist, the procession with the Eucharist in the dark, and a musical meditation following the services.
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The holiday season was brought to life with a performance of “Bending Towards the Light … A Jazz Nativity” Tuesday, Dec. 13, at St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish. This holiday tradition is presented by Chelsea Opera and Kindred Spirits from New York City along with Central New York’s most acclaimed jazz instrumentalists. Here are photos from the performance.
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"The Music Lives On: A Tribute to Pasquale Caputo and Joanna Moore" took place Sunday, Sept. 25, presented by Chelsea Opera. Performers included Chelsea co-founder Leonarda Priore, mezzo soprano; Bill Doherty, piano; Dominick Corbacio, tenor; and Mary Molnar, soprano. Utica-native Caputo, an operatic tenor and former Mount Carmel parishioner, died in 2017 at age 82. He became leading tenor with the Tri-Cities Opera in Binghamton. He performed in concerts around the world and had a long career as an Italian teacher as well as Department Head of Foreign Languages at Thomas R. Proctor High School. Frankfort-native Moore died in 2020, at age 85. She taught music at St. Mary’s School in Clinton and the Westmoreland and New Hartford Central school districts and served as music director for numerous high school musical productions with the Clinton and New Hartford schools. She performed lead roles in many productions staged by the former Utica Opera Guild and was a member of the B Sharp Music Club for more than 50 years. Photos courtesy of A.J. Valentini.
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Many people returned to church on Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022, to commemorate the Passion of Our Lord. As is the custom in our parish, parishioners, readers and servers processed around the church with palms as the music ministry sung "Jerusalem My Destiny." Several lectors and Father Jim took part in The Passion, and Mass was celebrated to begin Holy Week.
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Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament offered its traditional Thanksgiving Mass on Thursday, Nov. 24. Parishioners and guests gave thanks for all their blessings and the gift of their faith. Special guest was Pastor Mike Ballman of Cornerstone Plymouth Bethesda Church on Oneida Square in Utica. At the end of the service, loaves of bread were handed out to the assembly symbolizing the connection between our dinner tables and the table of the Lord.
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