Last Updated on January 1, 2024 by Editor
Parishioners celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the church's 125th anniversary with a special celebration and a pasta dinner on Sunday, July 18. Father Jim concelebrated the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass with former pastor and native son, the Rev. Joseph Salerno, and former Mount Carmel parishioner and now pastor of Historic Old St. John’s, the Rev. Tom Servatius. At the Mass, four women older than 90 were honored for their decades of dedication to the parish: Palma DeSarro, 100; Antoinette LaPaglia 100; Rosemarie Chiffy, 94; and Vicki Perritano, 91. After Mass, 150 people attended a pasta dinner under the tent in the parking lot. Proceeds benefitted the CNY Veterans Outreach Center. Photo credits: Fran Perritano and Terri Panuccio
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After a year's absence due to the pandemic, the parish's Communion Brunch took place on Sunday, Oct. 17, 2021, at Club Monarch. More than 125 people were treated to scrambled eggs, bacon, hats, home fries, chicken, Belgian waffles and more. Guest speaker was the Rev. Dennis Walker, a newly ordained priest in the Syracuse Diocese. Also joining the festivities in addition to Father Jim were former pastors the Revs. Joe Salerno and John Rose.
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Sixteen young adults were confirmed by Bishop Douglas Lucia on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament. Here are those who received the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation and their sponsors. Santino José Alsante —Anthony Alsante Ty Michael Bonner —Edward Bonner Paul Paul Caruso, Jr. —Michelle Koehler Remi Louis Charlebois IV —Michael Cancilla Skylar Cecelia Conkling —Vanessa Conkling Philip Albert Cittadino —Joseph Carzo Hay Ye Abel Doh —Paw Lar Wah Genaro James Graziano —Alyssa Betrus Sha Mu Jude La —Shar Kaw Moo Isabella Francis Laino —Tina Pavia Kaitlyn Cecelia Noon —Tammy Kreimeyer Ben Elizabeth Rawnika —Khe Meh Emily Elizabeth Ann Spiak —Michelle Elias Gianella Hermione Szuba —Philip Scampone Julia Edith Wagner —Elizabeth Campola Nan Catherine Zar —Judy Ta
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It has been two long years since our faith community has been able to gather for Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. At the Easter Vigil on April 3, it felt like normal times once again as about 200 socially distant parishioners gathered to rejoice. Here are some images from the beautiful, meaningful and faith-filled celebration of joy.
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On Saturday, March 20, 2021, the children in our second- and third-grade Faith Formation classes received the gift of God's mercy and forgiveness in the Sacrament of First Reconciliation. They learned that whenever we sin, we stray away from God; but like the shepherd who left 99 of his sheep to search for the one lost sheep, Jesus always will search for us waiting to bring us back to Him. Photos courtesy of Terri Panuccio.
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The Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish Golf Tournament returned Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021, at Stonebridge Golf and Country Club. More than 90 golfers participated. In addition to 18 holes of golf, they were treated to food and drink on the course, a steak dinner with all the trimmings, gift bags, chances to win prizes and much more. Organizers said about $10,000 to $12,000 was raised for the parish.
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At 3 p.m. Friday, April 2, 2021, Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament commemorated the suffering and death of Jesus Christ on that first Good Friday. The Passion was recalled, prayers were offered for the world, parishioners venerated the cross and received holy communion. Several of the following images are courtesy of Anne Elacqua and Terri Panuccio.
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"Bending Towards the Light: A Jazz Nativity" returned to Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Thursday, Dec. 9, after a year's absence due to the pandemic. Utica native Leonarda Priore and her fellow musicians and artists from New York City's Chelsea Opera, along with local singers, gave a brilliant performance of the birth of Christ as told through the medium of jazz.
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Parishioners gathered on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, 2021, to give thanks for their blessings during the celebration of Mass. A special video slideshow presentation took place displaying photos from the last 125 years in honor of our parish jubilee. At the end of Mass, loaves of bread were handed out.
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This has been such a difficult year for us all, especially the children. Because of the pandemic we have our second- and third-graders who will receive their First Communion in May. On Monday, Feb. 8, some of the children (and siblings, too!) learned that just as our family members are there to make us feel better, Jesus also always is there to embrace us and make us feel “warm and fuzzy” again. They made a cross filled with “warm fuzzies” to remind them of that love Jesus gives us each day and that no matter how bad a day or even a year can be, that it is all temporary and that good always will beat the bad in every circumstance of their lives. Photos courtesy of Terri Panuccio.
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