Last Updated on January 1, 2024 by Editor
The children of the Faith Formation program dressed up as saints for All Saints Day, Nov. 1, 2011.
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The altar servers were treated to pizza and wings in thanks for their service. They also received movie passes.
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The parish conducted its annual Breakfast with Santa on Sunday, Dec. 11. Excited children and adults filled the gymnasium to eat pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, brownies and more. Of course, the arrival of Santa Claus capped off the day.
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During Christmas Eve Mass, children of the parish participated in the annual Christmas pageant. Here are scenes from the pageant as captured by Observer-Dispatch photographer Kathleen Duncan. The photos are copyrighted by the O-D and cannot be legally downloaded. To purchase a photo, visit
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Scenes from the 2011 Christmas-Advent Concert captured by Tom Loughlin Jr. To purchase photos, call 735-2895 or email Proceeds benefit the parish.
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Danielle\'s Banquet Facility in New Hartford was packed Saturday, Dec. 10, as the parish\'s annual Christmas Gala was celebrated. Here are some images courtesy of Thomas Loughlin Jr. and Karen McBride.
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On Sunday mornings beginning at 9:15, children from kindergarten through sixth grade attend Faith Formation classes at St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament. A dedicated group of catechists works with the children weekly helping them to form their faith lives. Here’s a look at what’s going on.
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Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament\'s annual Festival Italiana took place in July. Here are some of the sights.
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The Parish House at St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish has been renovated. The building was built in the early1960s.
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Faith Formation students in grades seven through 10 sold pizza fritta after Masses on Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011. Here a a few images.
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Clients of the Rescue Mission were served dinner by volunteers from the parish.
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On Sunday, Nov. 13, 2011, veterans were honored at the 10:30 a.m. Mass and celebration in the Salerno Room. Photos were submitted by Gina Batson.
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