Triduum in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: View all 3 ceremonies

Last Updated on October 16, 2020 by Editor

This is the final part of the triduum in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel leading up to her feast day July 16. Parts 1 and 2 and novena prayers are below.

Week 2 of the novena: Benediction

Week 1 of the novena: The Living Rosary

Novena Prayers to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

If you are curious and have come to see.
If you are weary and have come to rest.
If you are grateful and have come to share.
If you are hurting and have come for solace.
If you are listening and have come to pray.
If you are seeking and have come for answers.
Welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Response to each petition: Pray for us
Holy Mary.
Mother of God.
Mother of our Redeemer.
Mother of a lost child.
Mother of comfort and understanding.
Mother who shares our joys.
Mother who endures our sorrows.
Mother whose heart was pierced by a sword.
Mother most merciful.
Woman responsive to God’s word.
Woman willing to believe the impossible.
Woman who rejoices in her lowliness.
Woman with an undivided heart.
Woman wrapped in mystery.
Woman moved by the Spirit.
Woman champion of the poor and lowly;
Woman graced by a husband’s love.
Woman widowed by a husband’s death.
Woman at the cross.
Woman patient and waiting.
Woman clothed with the sun.
Queen of all beauty.
Queen of integrity.
Queen of painful meetings.
Queen of all our heart’s treasures.
Queen of our destiny.
Queen of peace.

Personal Act of Consecration

O Mary, Virgin and most powerful Mother, we consecrate ourselves to God through your Immaculate Heart. We consecrate our very being and our whole life, all that we love, and all that we are. We give our bodies, our hearts, and our souls. We give our homes, our families, our country, the world. Mindful of this consecration, we now promise to imitate you by the practice of Christian virtue. We hereby resolve to make this Novena of Nine Wednesdays in your honor, praying your intercession for our needs: (silently make your intentions.)

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

O most radiant blossom in the garden of God
who opened so completely
to the seed of Divine love,
plant yourself now in the reality of my heart.
Turning to you as a sister
take my hand in yours and share with me your gift of faith.
As we climb the mountain to God,
remind me that the overshadowing presence
of the Holy Spirit will open
the vision of my soul to all that I cannot see.
Yearning for you as mother
lift me onto your lap and hold me gently
in the arms of hope, sharing with me the promise of new life
passing from one generation to the next.
Reaching out to you as patroness
enfold me in your mantle of care
permeate my spirit with the grace of love.
May my yield for you be full
and my service to God complete.
As Our Lady of This Place,
continue to be my guiding star;
ignite in me wisdom
that I might follow your lead,
conceiving the Word within,
and bringing Jesus to birth in yet
a new day and time.