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Martin de Porres was born in Lima, Peru, of Spanish and black parentage. Inheriting his mother’s dark color, at times he was looked down upon by his aristocratic father, and, in early childhood, he was badly neglected. An intelligent boy, he was befriended by a doctor who taught him the art of healing.
Martin began developing his prayer life at an early age. Deciding upon the religious life, he applied to the Dominican Convent of the Holy Rosary and was accepted as a servant. He gave himself to the lowliest duties in the house, and, finally, after many years, he was commanded by his superiors to accept the habit of a lay brother; he had considered that this was too great an honor for himself.
Soon, Martin’s skill as a surgeon and healer soon spread. As much by his prayers as through medical knowledge, he cured the most frightening diseases: bringing from near death a priest who had a badly infected leg; healing the fingers of a young student who had feared that an accident had ruined his hopes for the priesthood; and making whole again many people afflicted with diseases.
In addition to the gift of healing, he said he was endowed with that of bi-location; he was seen in Mexico, Central America and even Japan by people who knew him well, whereas he had never been out of Lima since entering the order.
They say he passed through locked doors by some means that was known only to himself and God; he appeared at the bedside of the sick without being asked and always soothed them even when he did not completely cure them. Even sick animals came to him for healing.
Martin is often remembered for the legend of the rats. It is told that the prior, who objected to rats, ordered Martin to set out poison for them. Martin did as he was told but felt sorry for the rats. He went out into the garden and called softly and out came the rats.
He reprimanded them for their bad habits, telling them about the poison. He further assured them that he would feed them every day in the garden if they would refrain from annoying the prior. This agreed upon, he dismissed the rats and forever after, so the stories go, there was no more trouble with rats at Holy Rosary Convent.
Another story tells of how Martin was on a picnic with the novices and, having overstayed their time, they suddenly realized that, even with expending their best efforts, they could not be home in time for prayers.
Martin bade them join hands, and, before they knew what had happened, they were standing in the convent yard, unable to explain how they had covered the several miles in a few seconds. These and many other startling miracles led to Martin being called a saint even during his lifetime.
For his charity, humility and obedience, Pope John XXIII raised Martin de Porres to the altar of the church on May 6, 1962.