Call to worship

The blind man who calls out to Jesus is a man of faith and hope. He can ask Jesus for anything at all yet chooses to leave his darkness. We are all called to be like that man who desires so deeply to live in the light of God.

Today’s scriptures are filled with warmth and kindness – promising fulfillment. We see how closely God moves toward us, continually offering us ways out of our exiles, alienation and darkness. The readings describe salvation given to healing captives, the disabled, the broken and us — deliverance, homecoming, consolation, life-giving water, and level roads where no one stumbles.

In the gospel, the blind Bartimaeus persists in prayer, relies on Jesus’ pity, and moves with hope. He receives sight and is saved by his faith. We are saved by our own faith when we pursue Jesus, boldly present our needs, and desire to “want to see.”

  • To the point: Those traveling with Jesus saw Bartimaeus as an interruption on the journey. But Jesus sees him as the point of the journey. Had the crowd succeeded in silencing Bartimaeus, they would have “silenced” a manifestation of why Jesus came: to bring “sight” not only to Bartimaeus but to all.
  • Connecting the Gospel (Mark 10: 46-52) to the First Reading: Jeremiah’s proclaims God’s deliverance by gathering “the blind and lame”—indeed, all peoples—and consoling and guiding them. In the Gospel, God’s deliverance comes when Jesus gives sight to Bartimaeus and, indeed, to the entire crowd.
  • Connecting the Gospel to experience: We want something badly enough, we tend not to give up in the face of opposition. In spite of many in the crowd rebuking Bartimaeus, he continued to call out to Jesus for healing, and received what he wanted—and even more.

Centering prayers

The Gospel

(Mark 10: 46-52)

“But he kept calling out all the more.”

Jesus, we are begging for sight. We want to “see” our way
to the end of the virus, to see how to end the climate crisis;
to end racial injustice; human trafficking and poverty.
Son of David, have pity on us.
Give us Bartimaeus’ faith and his sight.

The First Reading

(Jeremiah 31: 7-9)

 “The Lord has delivered his people.”

Lord, you went your way quietly through the gates
of the promised land but with all of us in tow.
Your manner is consoling.
You pour light upon our stumbling path.
You lead us to the glorious
cool brooks of your living water.
We shout for joy!

The Second Reading

(Hebrews 5: 1-6)

“He is able to deal patiently with the ignorant and erring,
for he himself is beset by weakness.”

Jesus, come live with us.
You sympathize with our weakness
and know well our frailties.
Please intercede for us, all of us, O Son of God.
We want to call to your father , our Father.

Copyright © 2021, Anne M. Osdieck

Music for reflection