Remembering MaryBeth LaNeve and a life well lived

Last Updated on October 16, 2020 by Editor


You might enjoy the little “Wise & Otherwise” in this week’s bulletin about the “perfect priest.”

There really is no priest or pastor that is totally perfect — no person would be found to be perfect.

What I know is that our late parish secretary, MaryBeth LaNeve, has been much appreciated and much needed in the effort to “perfect” several pastors and priests at Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament over the last few decades.

This parish is fortunate to have a good number of dedicated and very faithful team members at the heart of running things in the office and the church — paid and volunteer alike.

MaryBeth held the good of Mount Carmel deep within her heart, and for the most recent pastors, including the present one, she was helpful and instrumental in so many ways — whether dealing with an older person, anxious or confused about something, on the phone, or offering advice on large financial or project challenges that come up in any parish setting.

In an interview in our parish magazine, “More Good News,” MaryBeth commented on how our parish was extremely important in her life — good times and bad.

“There is a special support system when you work for a parish,” she said. “You become like family with your co-workers and so many of the parishioners. When my parents or my husband were sick, there was always someone who gave their shoulder to cry on, or a hug. Working here, there is always a reminder that God will see you through.”

Most recently grappling with health issues for herself as well as for her beloved husband, still she was as attentive and available to our parish needs as could be expected.

MaryBeth’s illness and frustrating pain is over for her, and the Catholic faith that guided her life’s journey certainly brings her into to the embrace of the Good Lord.