Last Updated on November 15, 2024 by Editor
Rosemarie Chiffy, 98, gave the following reflection on her relationship with the Blessed Mother during the Nine Week Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
Hello everyone. I am fairly sure you all know who I am, and also, approximately how old I am, as well.
Father Jim asked me to speak of my relationship with Our Lady through the years. I am sure you all have your own interesting stories to tell, but I’m here to relate some of my own.
My devotion to Mary began at a very early age. My grandmother Mary Carmella was married in this church, or should I say in the basement of the church, because the main building was not completed at that time. Her mother, my great grandmother, had a devout relationship to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. She started the Mount Carmel Society, and later my grandmother took over. Grandma was so devoted to Our Lady that both of her daughters were named Mary, Mary Rose and Mary Magdalena, who was my mother.
Mom, of course, inherited the same immense devotion to Mary and passed it on to all of her children. Whatever we did, even the simplest tasks, were offered up to our Blessed Mother. It was this mindset and devotion that has carried me through some of the most difficult times of my life.
One of the first times I can remember leaning on Mary for strength was when my brother Sal contracted scarlet fever and he wasn’t expected to survive. We all prayed to Mary and her infant son Jesus. My brother got well and lived a long and happy life. When my brother Fran went off to fight in Korea, again we turned to Mary. The rosary was said every day as we prayed for his safe return home. She was there for us yet again.
I guess it was easier for me growing up — there was no television, no cellphones, internet or other distractions. Our lives were centered around our families and the church. I am sure many of you remember those days. It was a beautiful time. My siblings and I attended Mount Carmel School where, under the guidance of the lovely Franciscan sisters, our relationship to Mary was strengthened.
The nuns taught us our prayers. One in particular comes to mind, “The Memorare” — “Remember Oh most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought they intercession, was left unaided.”
Those words spoke to me, and I believe in them with all my heart. Mary will never abandon us.
There were many moments in my life where I thought I was faced with something I couldn’t handle, when I wasn’t sure of myself, when I doubted my ability. Mary carried me through all of those difficult moments, my faith in her intercession always unwavering.
When I adopted my children, my relationship to Mary changed, as I had now become a mother myself, and I turned to her when I faced those challenges. My son is disabled, and some days were really hard. I didn’t know how to handle things sometimes, doubt filling my mind with anxiety, and I turned to Mary for guidance. Mary has always watched over my son and my daughter, who also has a very strong devotion to Our Blessed Mother.
Some years ago, I was told I had to have a very difficult surgery, and I was very scared. I had scans that confirmed the need for this dangerous procedure. As I prepared for the day of the surgery, I prayed to Mary to keep me safe and to intercede for me. At the pre-op appointment, further tests concluded that I no longer needed the surgery, and the doctors weren’t sure how that was possible. I knew though. I knew Mary had been there for me yet again.
In 1988, I became a divorced Catholic. I was mortified and so afraid that Mary and Jesus were disappointed in me. I didn’t feel I could lector anymore and felt unable to face the congregation. Again, through Mary’s assistance, I regained my confidence, and here I am.
As Father has pointed out, Church isn’t a place for saints, it’s a place for all of us to ask for and receive God’s grace. We are all imperfect, striving for perfection with the assistance of our most Blessed Mother, who loves us as our own mothers here on Earth.
Throughout my life, Mary has been my constant companion, going with me to the hospital, to nursing homes, during every important moment of my life, even my trips to Las Vegas! She has never let me down and has never left me alone.
She was, and always shall be, my most devoted mother and friend.