Last Updated on September 13, 2020 by Editor

O God, we hold before you the dignity of our labor.
Bless and guide all who work
and all who govern in our world.
Be with those who are out of work or unemployed
during this time of pandemic —
those who are forced to be home with children
who cannot attend school;
those who have lost income
because they are afraid of their own safety;
those who have been forced to close their business
because of lack of funding;
those who have lost jobs because of closures,
down-sizing, injustice or fear.
Be with us Lord, during these times of challenge.
Inspire leaders of government, science, the arts and industry
to envision new ways to engage and create labor
during this crisis in our country
so that all people may share in the dignity and pride
of knowing that their labor
can contribute toward helping others.