(Died 526)
The future Pope John I, the first pope to be so named, was born in Tuscany, and served as an archdeacon in the Church for several years. He was chosen to become the Bishop of Rome in 523, succeeding Pope St. Hormisdas.
During his papal reign, Italy was ruled by the Ostrogothic King Theodoric. Like many of his fellow tribesmen, the king adhered to the Arian heresy, holding that Christ was a created being rather than the Second Person of the Holy Trinity.
In 523, the Byzantine Emperor Justin I ordered Arian clergy to surrender their churches into orthodox Catholic hands. In the West, meanwhile, Theodoric was angered by the emperor’s move, and responded by trying to use the Pope’s authority for his own ends.
Pope John was thus placed in an extremely awkward position. Despite the pope’s own solid orthodoxy, the Arian king seems to have expected him to intercede with the Eastern emperor on behalf of the heretics. John’s refusal to satisfy King Theodoric would eventually lead to his martyrdom.
John travel to Constantinople, where he was honored as St. Peter’s successor by the people, the Byzantine Emperor, and the Church’s legitimate Eastern patriarchs. (The Church of Alexandria had separated by this point.) The pope crowned the emperor and celebrated the Easter liturgy at the Hagia Sophia Church in April of 526.
But while John could urge Justin to treat the Arians somewhat more mercifully, he could not make the kind of demands on their behalf that Theodoric expected.
The gothic king, who had recently killed John’s intellectually accomplished friend Boethius (honored by the Church as St. Severinus Boethius on Oct. 23), was furious with the pope when he learned of his refusal to support the Arians in Constantinople.
Already exhausted by his travels, the pope was imprisoned in Ravenna and deprived of food. The death of St. John I came on or about May 18, which became his feast day in the Byzantine Catholic tradition and in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Adapted by A.J. Valentini from: C. (n.d.). St. John I, Pope. Catholic News Agency. Retrieved May 9, 2021, from https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint/st-john-i-pope-241