Last Updated on April 29, 2022 by Editor
Maurus (or Mauro) was the son of Equitius, a nobleman of Rome. When he was about 12 years old, his father placed him under the care of St. Benedict at Subiaco, to be educated. As he matured, Maurus was considered a model to all his brethren, but especially in the virtue of obedience and St. Benedict chose him as his coadjutor in the government of the monastery.
One day St. Placid, a fellow Benedictine, had fallen into a lake and Benedict asked Maurus to save him. It was said that he became so engaged in saving his companion that he seemed to walk on the water and pulled Placid to safety by his hair. Many said it was a miracle, but Benedict attributed it to Maurus’ obedience.
During his career, Maurus was credited with miraculously curing the sick and restoring to health those who were stricken with serious afflictions. His blessings on these unfortunate souls were preceded by Maurus making the sign of the cross. In one such occasion it is told that he cured a crippled boy at Monte Cassino. On another occasion he healed a visiting vicar who had fallen downstairs by making the sign of the cross over the vicar’s injuries and presenting a relic of the True Cross.
St. Maurus was sent to France in 543 to propagate the order of St. Benedict in that country. He founded the famous abbey of Glanfeuil, over which he ruled as abbot for 38 years. In 581 he resigned the abbacy. He built for himself a small cell near the church of St. Martin, so that in solitude and prayer he might prepare himself for his passage into eternity. After two years he fell sick of a fever: he received the sacraments of the Church, lying on sackcloth before the altar of St. Martin, and in that posture expired on Jan. 15, 584.
Adapted by A. J. Valentini from: Life of St. Maurus and the Blessing over the Sick. (2016). Order of St. Benedict.