Can you spare some time to bring communion, joy to a shut-in?

Last Updated on August 4, 2023 by Editor

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, our parish had a group of people who visited the homebound and those in nursing homes, bringing them Holy Communion and visiting for a few minutes.

That was nearly four years ago.

Now, we would like to reinstitute that blessing for those who are unable to make it to Mass. In the past they have really appreciated the visit of a fellow parishioner, bringing them Christ in the Eucharist and just sharing some conversation if only for a while.

 If you have some time to spare to make this group a reality again, call Rosemarie Chiffy at 315-735-6832. She can explain what is involved and how you can help.

A word of encouragement from Proverbs 11:25: “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”