Seventh Sunday of Easter / Ascension of the Lord
Call to worship
Today’s Scriptures remind us that Love binds each of us intimately with God. Jesus prayed for us to know how much God loves us and how deeply our lives are woven together in the sacred fabric of God’s glory.
- To the point: Jesus prays that the intimate love and union he shares with his Father may take root in his disciples. Experiencing such divine love and intimate union enables and sustains the disciples who are to take up Jesus’ mission to the world. In fact, love and unity among believers is their primary mission, their first witness to the glory of the risen presence of Christ. We even see Stephen dying in God’s glory.
- Connecting the Gospel (John 17: 20-26) to the second reading: John’s vision is of the fulfillment of time when Jesus returns to gather the faithful to share his eternal glory. When we disciples embrace the love and unity for which Jesus prays in the Gospel, we are responding to Jesus’ invitation to “Come.”
- Connecting the Gospel to experience: Too often, the notion of love portrayed in our society does not bring unity but disharmony because the love is selfish. Unselfish love is about care for the other and this care strengthens relationships and is tangible in the unity of minds and hearts.
Centering prayers
The Gospel
(Luke 24: 46-53 and John 17: 20-26)
I in them and you in me — that they may be brought to perfection as one.
Jesus, here are the rich and poor, world-wide.
You take all of us who believe straight to the heart
of infinite love, to the creator of all things.
to the prime mover and our raison d‘être.
The Father sent you because he is love.
Give us an understanding of the
infinite love that dwells in us all.
We are the Father’s gifts to you.
Then let us be gifts to one another.
The First Reading
(Acts 1: 1-11 and Acts 7: 55-60)
You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria,
and to the ends of the Earth.
Jesus lingered awhile. It was hard to leave them.
But he had to go so he could give them
the gift of his Spirit.
Christ, in your Spirit, let us be witnesses.
Let us take your life gift of love and forgiveness
to the ends of the Earth.
The Second Reading
(Ephesians 1: 17-23 and Revelation 11: 12-14, 16-17, 20)
The city had no need of sun or moon to shine on it.
Father of Glory, light up the eyes of our hearts
so that we can begin to know and love your son,
who is born to be your fullness.
We ask, come, Lord Jesus,
enlighten us to fix all that is broken.
And fill all things in every way,
and make everything new with your love.
Copyright © 2022, Anne M. Osdieck
Music for reflection