Call to worship

Let us pray for Christians all over the world that this week’s celebration of Holy Week may be us renewal and deepen our faith. This is the Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, one of our holiest days. We commemorate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The events of this week would change the world forever. Let us enter the spirit of this celebration and reflect on the final week of Jesus’ life. We prepare our hearts for the agony of His Passion and the joy of His Resurrection.

Centering prayers

The Procession

(Luke 19: 28-40)

The whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud
with joy for all the mighty deeds they had seen.

Multitudes proclaimed your mighty deeds:
“Blessed is the king who comes
in the name of the Lord,” they called out!
As for us, let us throw down our coats for you,
shout your name to all who hear.
Hosanna!, Jesus of Nazareth,
God, walking along with us,
and leading us to grace,
our beloved hero, loving us all the way to the cross!
Come into our hearts! Lest the stones cry out!

The Gospel

(Luke 22: 14-23 or 23: 1-49)

They blindfolded him and questioned him, saying,
“Prophesy! Who is it that struck you?”

This is my body, which will be given for you.
He did not shield his face from pounding and spitting,
nor cry out when they covered his eyes.
They jeered, “who struck you?”
But instead he quickly emptied himself
for he so loved his Abba and the world.
Christ, teach us to empty everything but you. 

The First Reading

(Isaiah 50: 4-7)

“He opens my ears that I may hear.”

Lord, please, open our eyes.
Morning after morning
That we may see you in all things
Isaiah, Romero, Dorothy Day, Rutilio Grande,
sunrise to sunset, you opened their ears.
Let us too hear the cry of the poor,
the sick, the starving children,
and the cry of the planet.
Let us speak and act on their behalf.
Open our hearts that we may love you,
holding nothing back, nothing at all.

The Second Reading

(Philippians 2: 6-11)

“He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness.”

Christ, you emptied yourself. No self-concern,
no turning back. Teach us to love this way.
Filled with your Spirit, let us surrender
into your love.

Copyright © 2021, Anne M. Osdieck

Music for reflection