Second Sunday of Lent

Call to worship

In today’s Gospel, the disciples experience Jesus in his full glory. They are transformed by his holiness. We also can be changed during this Lent if we allow ourselves to be overshadowed by God’s presence.

  • To the point: During prayer Jesus’ “face changed.” This phrase is biblical language indicating that Jesus himself changed. The transfiguration is a fleeting glimpse of the glory of his risen life. To come to this glory, however, Jesus could not remain on the mountain, but had to continue his journey to Jerusalem and the Cross. During prayer we, too, encounter God in such a way that we are invited to change. We, too, are emboldened to follow our life journey and embrace the Cross. And we, too, will be glorified- now and forever.
  • Connecting the Gospel (Luke 9:28b-36) to the second reading: On the mountain of transfiguration the disciples witnessed the glory of Jesus’ identity as the “chosen Son.” We, too, are destined for glory when Christ will “change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body” (Second Reading).
  • Connecting the Gospel to experience: We often have glimpses of glory: in a remarkable sunset, in the shining face of a delighted child, in the radiant joy of new parents. Like the transfiguration, these glimpses of glory encourage and strengthen us to continue the journey of life toward eternal glory. Even the very old Abraham was asked to count the stars.

Centering prayers

The Gospel

(Luke 9: 28b-36)

This is my chosen Son; listen to him. 

Over all the uproar racket and din,
Lord, help us to listen to you.
Show us your dazzling glory
hidden in the hum-drum
of our everyday wonderful lives.

The First Reading

(Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18)

When the sun had set and it was dark, the Lord made a covenant with Abram.

We renew our covenant with you, O God.
We want to face the new day
and all of our ways with you.

The Second Reading

(Philippians 3:17- 4:1)

He will change our lowly body to conform with his glorified body.

Christ, as you explain,our bodies will
shine like the sun, and share your glory one day.
Please help us now, in this time before our glory with you.
Stay by our side as we plow through the dark Earth
(hunger, anti-racism, climate and Ukraine crises)
of our lives.

Copyright © 2022, Anne M. Osdieck

Music for reflection