Call to worship
In today’s Gospel, Jesus wraps his followers in joy and glory. He reveals his divinity to them and to us. We discover that we are called to be more than what we think. Lent is our time of transfiguration — to discover our deepest identity and the sacredness of our lives.
- To the point: Peter, James and John witness Jesus’ transfiguration. But they also undergo a transfiguration. Some change occurs within them, so they are able to hear God’s voice announcing Jesus’ identity (”beloved Son”) and the clear terms of their own discipleship (“listen to him”). Lent is meant to be our time of transfiguration. What change needs to occur in us so that we grasp the clear terms of our own discipleship? What change needs to occur in us so that we truly listen?
- Connecting the Gospel (Mark 9: 2-10) to both readings: Abraham obeyed God’s command to sacrifice even his only son Isaac, and for that obedience God promised Abraham abundant blessings and countless descendants. Our own obedience to God (“listen to him”) brings us the blessing of life in Christ (see second reading), which is to say, eternal life.
- Connecting the Gospel to our experience: Life’s pressures often keep us from taking the time to stop and listen — to each other, to ourselves, to God. Only by taking the time to listen can we grow in our relationships, our quality of life, self-understanding and discipleship.
Centering prayers
The Gospel
(Mark 9: 2-10)
“And he was transfigured before them.”
Friends caught a dazed glimpse of him, as he really was!
In blinding brightness, his clothes turned dazzling white
as no eyes on Earth had ever seen.
O Christ, take us to your mountain.
Transform all our acts, our very being,
into your love. “We are all walking around
shining like the sun.”
Let us see it. Let us glimpse your glory.
In beauty in skies and flowers and butterflies,
in a happy child’s face, in music that our souls sing,
in joyful folks helping other folks.
(Thomas Merton)
The First Reading
(Genesis 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18)
Then he reached out and took the knife to slaughter his son.
But the Lord’s messenger called to him from heaven, “Abraham, Abraham!”
God asked the terrible of him! But Abraham recalled
God’s promise. From Sarah, descendants would come from him
as many as the stars in heaven. Gripping the knife in hand,
holding it very tightly, and more tightly
to God’s strict promise, he made ready
with trust, to follow.
O God, help us trust that you will help us
to stop the sacrifice of our
brothers and sisters, and our earth.
The Second Reading
(Romans 8: 31b-34)
If God is for us, who can be against us?
God with us, is there more you could have given to us
to show that you are God? Thank you for the gift of Jesus
Copyright © 2021, Anne M. Osdieck
For reflection