Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Call to worship
We are called to make our home in God. On this Trinity Sunday, we celebrate our intimacy with God who tenderly loves us and holds us close. We are tightly held by the overwhleming love given to us freely and abundantly by Father, Son and Spirit.
- To the point: God’s desire is that we share in divine life eternally. To this end, God is very near — near to Moses on Mount Sinai (first reading) and near to us in the divine Son who came to dwell among us. Even more: for those who believe, our triune God dwells within us by grace and communion, drawing us into the inner Life of the Trinity. The unceasing Life of the Trinity is this: to love us into eternal Life. It is God’s gracious gift, and ours to choose.
- Connecting the Gospel (John 3: 16-18) to the second reading: The second reading describes the life of those who choose to believe in the triune God’s gift of divine Presence: “rejoice,” “mend your ways,” “encourage one another,” “agree with one another,” “live in peace,” “greet one another with a holy kiss.”
- Connecting the Gospel to experience: Contemporary society values individualism, personal rights, and self-gratification. This solemnity invites us to live not for ourselves but in communion with one another as does the Holy Trinity.
Centering prayers
The Gospel
(John 3: 16-18)
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.
We can only stand in awe-struck silence before such love
that is beyond boldest expectation, beyond all telling. (Karl Rahner).
In the name of the Father … with us from our beginnings;
you so loved the world that you gave us your Son.
Protect us, Father.
And of the Son … who came to live among us,
your everlasting gift of yourself.
Be with us now, Jesus.
And of the Holy Spirit …
Always with us now,within our hearts,
our soul mate. Enlighten us to find cures
for all sickness in the world.
Help us respond to “the cries of the Earth and of the poor.” *
*Pope Francis
The First Reading
(Exodus 34: 4b-6, 8-9)
This is indeed a stiff-necked people; yet pardon our wickedness and sins.
Lord, we are stiff-necked, no doubt!
But, as you did with Moses and the Israelites,
please favor us. Clumsy we are, so often.
Please help us walk with you and keep your company
within your Trinity of love.
The Second Reading
(Corinthians 13: 11-13)
The fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.
Two, in the Trinity, love one another.
Their love becomes the third.
The sharing of these three makes one.
Let us love one another, in pale imitation.
Make us one in your Holy Spirit.
Make love our instinct.
Let us be Godly with each other in you.
Copyright © 2023, Anne M. Osdieck
Music for reflection