Call to worship
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
John the Baptist humbly recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God, the Savior upon whom God’s Spirit descended. We are also called to discover Jesus in new ways and listen to him, follow him and point others toward him.
- To the point: This gospel is a testimony of what John knows about Jesus. He is the Lamb of God, he forgives sins, he pre-exists, he is Spirit-filled, he baptizes with the Holy Spirit, he is Son of God. But John’s testimony does not exhaust the richness of Jesus’ identity; there is even more. The mystery of Jesus continues to be revealed to us and through us today. What more are we discovering and revealing?
- Connecting the Gospel (John 1: 29-34) to the first reading: As God formed Isaiah from his mother’s womb to be his prophet and a “light to the nations,” so are we called from our baptism to be that same “light to the nations,” revealing the Christ in us to all those we meet.
- Connecting the Gospel to experience: We often hear limited, trite descriptions of who Jesus is (Jesus is the answer” or WWJD). But the richness of the mystery of Christ encompasses a breadth and depth that cannot be exhausted in quick answers or pithy statements — not even in a life faithfully lived!
Centering prayers
The Gospel
(John 1: 29-34)
“Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.”
John said, “I did not know him.”
So the Spirit showed the Christ to him.
And John replied, “behold, the Lamb of God,
who takes away the sin of the world.”
Spirit, come, shine through our clouds.
Teach us your love. Let us know Jesus.
Let us tell everyone about the Lamb of God.
The First Reading
(Isaiah 49: 3, 5-6)
“I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation
may reach to the ends of the Earth.”
Lord, you made us glorious in your sight.
You, the Holy One of Israel,
the faithful covenant, have chosen us.
Help us tell all the ends of the Earth of your saving love.
The Second Reading
(1 Corinthians 1: 1-13)
“To you, called to be holy, grace and peace.”
God called Paul to be an apostle.
Now he calls all to be one,
each in our way, in our place,
our time, where we are.
May his grace and his peace be ours!
Copyright © 2023, Anne M. Osdieck
Music for reflection