Last Updated on September 6, 2024 by Editor

If you are interested in any of the following ministries, call the parish office at 735-1482.


Altar Cleaning/Decorating
This group of volunteers cares for the sanctuary by cleaning and decorating with emphasis on special occasions to include picking up flowers, hanging wreaths, etc.

Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass. The boys and girls are third through 12th-graders who have received their First Communion. They carry the cross, bear the book, and set the altar for consecration. Altar servers play an important role during special liturgical celebrations and are scheduled for the Mass of their choice.

Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are commissioned by the pastor to distribute the body and blood of Christ at all liturgical celebrations. All ministers are trained prior to being commissioned.

Funeral Altar Servers
These volunteers are adults that assist at all funeral services. The also serve as lectors and Eucharistic ministers. Commitment and scheduling for this group are flexible.

Greeters and ushers
The ushers assure that parishioners and visitors are assisted when necessary as they enter or exit the church. They notify the Eucharistic Ministers if anyone needs assistance to receive Communion. The ushers also serve as collectors for the weekly offerings and clean the pews after Mass. Ushers are assigned to the Mass of their choice.

Lectors proclaim the Word of God during liturgical celebrations. Lectors are scheduled at the Mass of their choice.

Liturgical Committee
This committee meets on a monthly basis to plan all liturgical events of the parish, as well as providing assistance for the training and spiritual development for all lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and altar servers.

Livestream operators
These individuals operate our livestream equipment at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass and at funerals and weddings, when requested.

Music Ministry
We welcome you to join our choir, maybe to be a cantor, or if you are an accomplished musician, join us as an instrumentalist.

Faith Formation

Baptism team
Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation. It is a beautiful ceremony that welcomes the baby (or adult) into the Catholic faith and to free them from the original sin that we were all born with. It links you to the grace and love of God. Symbols of water, light and oil are used. All parents who would like their child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism must attend a preparation session before their child is baptized. The session occurs from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the Salerno Room.

Marriage Team
This is a group of married couples who help prepare the engaged for their upcoming weddings. The marriage team administers the required Marriage Preparation, participate in the Engaged Couples Event and rehearses with the bride and groom-to-be for their wedding ceremony.

Religious Education
Religious education teachers volunteer to share their faith with children and adults. Classes are from September through April in the Scalabrini Center. Classes are taught by volunteer adults and are assisted by high school students. There is a diocesan training program for new Catechists (teachers). Each Catechist is expected to complete the Safe Environment Program with the diocese and have a background check done.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is a process that welcomes adults and children older than age 7 into the Catholic Church. Persons wishing to complete their sacramental initiation would be welcomed into this process. Father Jim is the catechists for these adults. We invite you to participate as a candidate for initiation or sponsor.

Youth Ministry
We offer service opportunities in the large community for grades 7-10 through our Faith Formation program, as well as the opportunity to raise funds for those in need.

Parish outreach

Prayer Line
A group of dedicated parishioners gently holds in prayer any intentions that are requested through the parish office.

Pastoral Visitors
Parishioners who no longer are able to leave their home or reside in a nursing home appreciate having the Eucharist brought to them. Volunteers are needed to bring the Eucharist and provide a friendly visit.

Social Ministry
The goal of this committee is to provide opportunities for parishioners to get together, enjoy themselves and meet other parish community members through a variety of social activities. These activities are varied in nature and are for all age groups to take advantage of. This committee meets when needed prior to a planned activity and are always looking for new members.

Organizations, societies

Mount Carmel Society
The Mount Carmel Society is the oldest society of the parish, it is comprised of men and women. This group offers spiritual support and sponsors various parish activities. This society meets quarterly after attending Mass as one body.

St. Anne Society
The purpose of the society is spiritual and social. Several fundraising events are scheduled throughout the year. The society contributes the proceeds from these events to various projects for the benefit of the parish and other charitable needs. Membership is open to all adult women.

St. Rosalia Society
St. Rosalia holds a special place in the hearts of many in our parish. Her feast day is Sept. 4. A bigger shrine to St. Rosalia sits across the street from the church at the corner of Jay and Mohawk streets.


Buildings and Grounds
We have a great need for volunteers helping to keep the parish grounds well-manicured. Some jobs include weeding, trimming and planting. Also anyone willing to volunteer in helping with small jobs involving basic plumbing, carpentry and electricity will be notified on an as needed basis.

Collection Counters
These volunteers meet on Sunday to open the offering envelopes. Each group is made up of four individuals who are scheduled approximately 10 Sundays throughout the year. Substitutes also are needed and will be called as needed.

Parish Festival
The annual festival is the major fundraiser of our parish. It has been an annual tradition for many years and requires the dedication of many volunteer parishioners to make the festival a success. The parish festival takes place every year in mid-July. This is a great way to visit with fellow parishioners and meet new ones as well as a way for you to donate your time and your talent in making our festival a great success. Watch the bulletin and website for festival updates.

Parish Office
We are always looking for dedicated parishioners who are willing to assist in any type of clerical work, from answering phones to inserting leaflets into the bulletin. Volunteers can choose a particular afternoon to help out, or be called
upon as needed