Last Updated on May 19, 2021 by Editor

Last Updated on May 19, 2021 by Editor

Sixteen young adults were confirmed by Bishop Douglas Lucia on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament. Here are those who received the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation and their sponsors.

Santino José Alsante —Anthony Alsante

Ty Michael Bonner —Edward Bonner

Paul Paul Caruso, Jr. —Michelle Koehler

Remi Louis Charlebois IV —Michael Cancilla

Skylar Cecelia Conkling —Vanessa Conkling

Philip Albert Cittadino —Joseph Carzo

Hay Ye Abel Doh —Paw Lar Wah

Genaro James Graziano —Alyssa Betrus

Sha Mu Jude La —Shar Kaw Moo

Isabella Francis Laino —Tina Pavia

Kaitlyn Cecelia Noon —Tammy Kreimeyer

Ben Elizabeth Rawnika —Khe Meh

Emily Elizabeth Ann Spiak —Michelle Elias

Gianella Hermione Szuba —Philip Scampone

Julia Edith Wagner —Elizabeth Campola

Nan Catherine Zar —Judy Ta