Category: General March 29: "Ladies Who Lunch"

March 29: "Ladies Who Lunch"

Chelsea Arts Live presents a concert, “Ladies Who Lunch,” at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 29, in the Salerno Room.

The program features Musical Director/Pianist John Krause, Claire Haile, our own Leonarda Priore, her niece Alexandra Priore-Quigley, Julie Falatico Montalbano, Maria Russo and Linda LaPorte Stoodley.

Admission is $15 per person and $10 for seniors. Reservations are required. Call Leonarda Priore at 917-797-3152 or visit to reserve your tickets.

St. Mary of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish
648 Jay St.
Utica, NY 13501

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