The Italian Heritage Club and the Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Social Ministry invite you to join us in celebrating “Carnevale” from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 1, in the gymnasium.
It will be a family-oriented morning full of fun activities and sweet treats. Children will be instructed on how to create colorful Carnevale masks and color Carnevale images. Adults will be able to socialize and purchase traditional Carnevale treats with their children. There will be free coffee for the adults and juices for the children.
Young and old will learn how to dance the traditional Carnevale samba and the tarantella. The morning will culminate in a parade of mask-wearing children and their adults to show off their handiwork and dancing prowess.
There is no cost to join us — except for take-home sweets whose proceeds will go to Abraham House.
We do need to know who is coming, however, and reservations must be made by Wednesday, Feb. 26. Call 315-733-6106 or 315-735-1482 to lock in your spot.