HELP WANTED: Father Jim looking for adult servers for Sunday Mass

Last Updated on August 4, 2024 by Editor

Father Jim is looking for adults who would like to serve Sunday Mass beginning in October.

We have a fine group of youngsters who serve, but the numbers have declined. We only have one group of altar servers for the 8 a.m. Mass and three for 11 a.m. Oftentimes, scheduling conflicts interfere with serving schedules and we have no one to assist Father Jim.

You can serve either the 8 or 11 a.m. Mass, typically once a month. Two-month schedules are emailed in advance, so you’ll know when your scheduled Mass is.
If you’re a lector, minister or usher, you still can serve Mass even if those duties overlap.

We would like to have an adult team of two to three servers. Of course, if we get a good response, we can form a second team. Training will be provided, probably during Mass, so you can hit the ground running.

If you’re interested, email Fran Perritano at Please include your cellphone number and the Mass you would like to serve.