Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today we proclaim Jesus’ first miracle at the wedding feast in Cana. Jesus began his ministry with a profound sign that he wanted to transform our emptiness to joy. As his graced disciples, we, too, can proclaim his bountiful love and overwhelming joy to all people.

  • To the point: Jesus’ epiphany —the revelation of his glory — did not end with the sign he performed but with the belief to which his followers came. Not only does Jesus change water into wine, but he transforms his disciples from being mere companions to becoming those who believe in him. They move from fellowship to the intimacy of belief- their lives will never be the same. He changed them. He will change us. And like them, faith will transform us — our lives will never be the same.
  • Connecting the Gospel (John 2: 1-11) to the second reading: Isaiah provides us with language to describe believing: “I will not be silent … I will not be quiet.” He gives us as well language to describe the intimacy of belief: “My delight,” “Espoused,” “the LORD delights in you,” “your Builder shall marry you,” “God rejoices in you.”
  • Connecting the Gospel to experience: Some changes are self-initiated, for example, we stop smoking, resolve to exercise daily, watch less TV. Other changes are generated by an outside catalyst, such as a natural disaster or the loss of a job because of a bankrupt company. When we open ourselves to God’s actions within us, the most life-changing transformations occur.

Centering prayers

The Gospel

(John 2: 1-11)

Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory.

“They have no wine.” “So what?” “Do whatever he tells you.”
From that instant she left it to him.
To us “do what he says: love God, love your neighbor,
make a home for the Spirit.” We hope to.
Let us leave everything to you, Lord.
We want to trust you the way Mary did.
Please, we are water. Turn us into wine.

The First Reading

(Isaiah 62: 1-5)

You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the Lord.

You have come to us, loving us,  and making us a jewel
in your crown. We cannot be called “forsaken”
or our lands, “desolate” anymore.
Your love will stay. You will never take it away.

The Second Reading

(I Corinthians 12: 4-11)

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit.

All gifts are from he same Spirit. The are all part of the whole
and given to each for us for each other
and for the common good. Was Puccini’s
music for his ears alone?
Was “Starry Night” for Van Gogh’s eyes only?
Was Mother Teresa more important
than the Jesuit brother who answered the door?
Lord, help us understand. Thank you for your gifts.

Copyright © 2024, Anne M. Osdieck

Music for reflection