28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today’s readings call us to act with wisdom. It is not enough just to follow the law. If we wish to enter the Kingdom of God we must give up every possession and surrender our very selves that we may be possessed by Jesus alone.

  • To the point: The young man in the gospel “ran up” to Jesus, eager to know how “to inherit eternal life.” How quickly his demeanor changed when Jesus, looking on him with love for having kept the commandments, challenged him to one thing further: he must give up everything and follow Jesus “to enter the kingdom of God.” Following Jesus demands that we choose not to be possessed by things, but by Jesus himself. To be possessed by Jesus, we must even give up our greatest possession of all: our very selves. Then Jesus looks upon us with great love.
  • Connecting the Gospel (Mark 10:17-30) to the first reading: The author of Wisdom was able to recognize that wisdom is greater than possessions. In the gospel Jesus teaches us that following him is greater than possessions. Such is the way of wisdom.
  • Connecting the Gospel to our experience: Often, this passage (especially about receiving a hun­dredfold) is applied to those who answer the call to ordained priesthood or reli­gious life but, in reality, this gospel passage refers to all who respond to Jesus’ invitation to follow him.

Centering prayers

The Gospel

(Mark 10: 17-30)

Jesus looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “Go sell what you have
and give to the poor, then come, follow me.”

Lord, please look upon us and love us.
And grant to us the grace to give freely to the needy
everything you have poured upon us.
In our giving, Lord let us receive a hundredfold: of you, Lord of All.

The First Reading

(Wisdom 7: 7-11)

“I prayed, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”

Everything we treasure and hold dear
we will gladly hand over to you for
just one ounce, one tiny inch,
one nanosecond’s worth of your precious wisdom.
Has there ever been a time when we needed it more?
Please bless our doing and our being in the spirit of your Wisdom.
So that all things work together for those who love you.

The Second Reading

(Hebrews 4: 12-13)

Indeed, the word of God is able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.

Who is this Word that cuts through our clutter,
knows when we sit and when we stand,
reads our moods and motives, bares the secrets of our hearts?
Lord, always you know us better than we know ourselves.
And so we ask you, mend all that needs mending,
and fill our hearts with your love and light.

Copyright © 2024, Anne M. Osdieck

Music for reflection