20th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Jesus is the Living Bread come down from heaven. We who eat his flesh and drink his blood Remain in Him And we are promised the gift of eternal life.

  • To the point: Jesus does not mince words! “The Jews quarreled” because Jesus says he gives his flesh to eat and his blood to drink. And he also promises “eternal life” to those who so eat and drink. And he also says that those who eat and drink would be intimately related to him (“remain in me and I in him.”) And he also says that all life is because of him. And he also says that he is the “bread that came down from heaven.” No, Jesus does not mince words! Neither should we mince the way we live what Jesus says. We who eat his flesh and drink his blood are to live his life to the fullest.
  • Connecting the Gospel (John 6:51-58) to the first reading: “Come, eat of my food.” In the first reading an invitation for a banquet is put forth, and the food is meat and wine. In the gospel an invitation is also put forth for a banquet, and the meat and wine are Jesus’ very flesh and blood.
  • Connecting the Gospel to our experience: In our society we often celebrate intimate moments with meals and sustain important relationships by sharing food, for example, family holiday meals and business luncheons. When we gather to share the meal Jesus provides for us, we celebrate the most intimate and important relationships we have — our union with Jesus and with one another through him.

Centering prayers


(John 6: 51-58)

Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father,
so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me.

O Christ, be manna for our journeys: the food that gives us life.
You are the strength we need for all that blocks our way,
every moment of every day. Be our love-source,
our life-source, Let us live with you forever.

The First Reading

(Proverbs 9: 1-6)

To one who lacks understanding, she says,
“Come, eat of my food, and drink of the wine I have mixed!”

Wisdom, O know us please and take pity.
We’re banging on your gates and pounding on your door.
Open that doorway. Call us to your feast. Nourish us
to fullness, until we become all that you desire.

The Second Reading

(Ephesians 5: 15-20)

Be filled with the Spirit … singing and playing to the Lord in your hearts

Rouse us with your Spirit, Lord. Make us sing our hearts out
as brothers and sisters, for we are so loved.
Let us discover you, and give thanks
always and everywhere for each and every gift that you give.

Copyright © 2024, Anne M. Osdieck

Music for reflection