14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today’s Scriptures recount how Jesus was rejected by his own people. Because of their lack of faith, Jesus could not perform miracles among them. We pray to open our hearts to prophets among us eho help us to understand God’s Word and to witness the miracles around us.
- To the point: Where does a prophet have honor? Where is a prophet heard? Not among kin or in familiar surroundings, not among those who lack faith. Herein lies the paradox: to have faith, we must be familiar with Jesus. The very stumbling block for the people in the Gospel is the necessary stepping-stone to hear Jesus’ word and accept him. Faith-filled familiarity frees us to see ourselves as we are (those in need of Jesus) and to see Jesus as he truly is (a prophet with power to save).
- Connecting the Gospel (Mark 6:1-6) to the first reading: Sadly, biblical tradition reveals that all too frequently God’s prophets faced rejection and resistance. The story of Ezekiel in the first reading describes the lot of God’s faithful servants, which was also the lot of Jesus.
- Connecting the Gospel to experience: If we take seriously our own commitment to live gospel values, there will be times when we will be faced with misunderstanding, rejection and ridicule. Indeed, the extent of the resistance may even be the measure of our commitment.
Centering prayers
The Gospel
(Mark 6: 1-6)
“And many who heard him were astonished.”
Who is he? Is he merely son of Mary? Just a carpenter?
What if this amazed crowd found out that
in the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God
and the world came to be through him?
God’s world does not know its maker.
Christ, artist, craft us to know you,
so that we can love you well.
Healer of our hearts, minds and souls,
take us into your holy body and blood.
The First Reading
(Ezekiel 2: 2-5)
“Whether they heed or resist — for they are a rebellious house —
they shall know that a prophet has been among them.”
Again you send your wise ones. To grow our souls,
to warm our cold hearts. Please, look beyond our rebellions
and show us how to be prophets in our own time.
The Second Reading
(2 Corinthians 12: 7-10)
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”
Life torments us and we dissolve like dust.
And when abuse is raging; and sleep neglects its job;
and sadness and hardships rule, Christ,
please gather us close to you.
Wrap us in the comfort of your love
and make all our weakness grace.
Copyright © 2024, Anne M. Osdieck
Music for reflection