Last Updated on May 25, 2024 by Editor
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Today, we celebrate the Trinity Sunday. God dwells in each of us, enabling us to be channels of God’s glory throughout the world. Today’s scriptures remind us that God’s Spirit strengthens our faith and provides direction.
- To the point: Who are the “nations” to whom Jesus sends us? All the countries of the world, to be sure. But also to the close-to-hand “nations” of our own families, co-workers, friends — everyone who is part of our lives.
- What are we sent to do? Jesus has passed on to us his power to gather all human beings into the loving embrace of the Trinity. Because of baptism, our triune God dwells within each of us, enabling us to embody God’s presence among the “nations.” We are the visible sign of Jesus’ promise: “I am with you always.”
- Connecting the Gospel (Matthew 28:16-20) to the second reading: God’s life in us is not something abstract but a relationship of children to our “Abba, Father.” This is the work and gift of the Spirit of God through Christ.
- Connecting the Gospel to our experience: The Trinity is not just a dogma but an indwelling presence of three Persons who continually create, save, and sustain us and all of creation.
Centering prayers
The Gospel
(Matthew 28: 16-20)
“And behold, I am with you all days until the end of the age”.
In the name of the Father (who gave us his only child),
and of the Son (who gives us himself, revealing eternal love for us),
and of the Holy Spirit. (our constant companion now and always):
“We can only stand in awe-struck silence
before such love that is beyond boldest expectation beyond all telling.” *
( * Last paragraph taken from Karl Rahner)
The First Reading
(Acts 10: 25-26,34-35, 44-48)
Ask from one end of the sky to the other;
did anything so great ever happen before?
Moses stated to his people the way in which God had
created them, chosen them, spoken to them, saved them from terror
and showed them all manner of signs and wonders.
He asked what else so great had ever happened before?
Was it ever told that God would show his very self
even to his own people? All these wonders were theirs,
from one end of the sky to the other. Moses didn’t know the half of it.
The Second Reading
(Romans 8: 14-17 or Romans 8:22-27)
“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit.”
We do not know how to pray as we ought.
The Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words.”
Holy God, take our paltry tries at prayer
and stir them into your delicious love.
Adapt them and lift them up into your eternal heart.
Copyright © 2024, Anne M. Osdieck
Music for reflection