Quiet leader of the Holy Family: Joseph and Christmas

The following was written by the Rev. Ron Rolheiser: There are countless persons, basilicas, churches, shrines, seminaries, convents, towns and cities named after St. Joseph. My native country, Canada, has him as its patron. Who exactly is this Joseph? He is that quiet figure prominently named in the Christmas story as the husband of Mary […]


Beverly Franz 2019 Immaculata Award Winner

Beverly Franz received the Immaculata Medallion at a vesper service Dec. 8 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse. The Immaculata Medallion is an award recognizing and honoring lay people who generously and unselfishly volunteer time and service to their parish. It was in­stituted in December 2011 as a component of the celebration […]


Parish catechists help lay religious foundation for our children

Volunteers are the heart and soul of Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament Parish. Without the dozens of people who share their time and talents, our parish would not be as vibrant as it is. One very important group of volunteers is the Faith Formation catechists, who — along with parents — teach our children about […]


Gina makes a big splash in high school, life

Gina has a lot of irons in the fire. She’s on the high school varsity swim team, is junior class president, loves performing on stage and has become a leader at a young age. Through it all, she knows who she is, who she wants to be and how faith plays a role in her […]


No matter in what capacity, Joe Furgol serves others

Joe Furgol served the country in the Army in the 1960s, was a Utica firefighter for nearly 30 years and has been and still is an Oneida County legislator. At Mount Carmel / Blessed Sacrament, Joe continues to serve others. You attended Brandegee grammar school and Proctor High School. After graduating, you joined the Army […]


12 good shepherds have guided parish for nearly 125 years

When the Rev. Joseph Salerno was named pastor of St. Mary of Mount Carmel in 1991, it came as a bit of a surprise. He had spent several months training to become a hospital chaplain and expected to become part of the pastoral care team at Community General Hospital in Syracuse. It didn’t turn out […]


St. John the Evangelist known as pillar of the church

In the weeks following Easter, we heard several of the passages from St. John, “the one that Jesus loved,” and the youngest of the first Apostles. In art we see him at the foot of the cross and asleep on Jesus’ chest at the Last Supper. This writer often thinks of him as Christ’s “chosen […]


Angela and Bob Ferdula: Mr. and Mrs. Inseparable

Bob and Angela Ferdula have been married for 30 years. Usually, when you see one, you’ll see the other. They volunteer together in the parish at the festival and are part of the Marriage Ministry, and cantor at the same Mass, among others. Despite their togetherness they have one piece of advice for married couples […]

Alexander Babbie, right, with his brother Sebastian and mother Michelle.

Alexander Babbie making life count at young age

Alexander Babbie loves life. He mentors young children, helps out first-graders in Faith Formation, sings in the choir, participates in sports, loves reading and writing, and looks forward to a future of guiding young minds. He does all this despite a life that started out difficult at birth. (Above: Alexander Babbie, right, with his brother […]


Pat Zasa: ‘Life should be about doing good for others’

Pat Zasa says he always tries to have a positive outlook on life — with a sense of humor. He enjoys helping out people who are in need. He’s in charge of maintenance in the parish and enjoys working at church, meeting different people and doing whatever he can to help. His mantra: “Life should […]